Starting Monday, March 23, Every weekday at 14:00
🧪 14:00-14:30 Fun Experiments with Twing
🤖 14:30-15:00 Robotic Coding with Twin
🧠 15:00-15:30 Exploring The Artificial Intelligence
Live Broadcast Address:
Instructor : Cemil Cihan Özalevli
As you know, within the scope of COVID-19 health measures, the Ministry of Health made statements about the closure of schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education.
In this process, we stand by all parents, teachers and students in order not to disrupt the scientific education and training processes of our children.
As Twin team, we offer our coding training to your online service free of charge during this period.
As of March 23, you can attend our coding trainings, experiments and artificial ıntelligence courses free of charge on our YouTube live broadcasts between 14:00 and 15:30 on weekdays, you can ask questions and start learning coding from your home.
What is Coding and Why is it Important to Know Coding?
Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, learned to write coding at the age of 9.
Bill Gates, one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world, wrote his first computer program at the age of 13.

“I think everyone in this country should learn computer programming. Because this teaches people how to think. I see computer science as a social science. This must be something everyone has to learn. ”
Coding is simply called the electronic language used to create computer software. As the “alphabet of the new era”, we see that coding, whose importance is increasing day by day, stands out as the heart of the fields that direct information and communication technologies such as building applications and software.

Coding stands out as one of the most basic skills to take part in the “new industrial revolution” Industry 4.0, where the world’s leading industrialized countries are seriously prepared to meet their educational curricula. Individuals who acquire their coding skills at an early age grow up ready for Industry 4.0, which will make itself feel in all areas of life, especially in future production. For this reason, countries that are aware of this have added coding course for all levels based on their education systems.
Almost every parent nowadays admits that coding will often be encountered in the lives of their children, and with the developing technology it is now a “must” but finding the right source is very critical. At the same time, parents find it difficult to create time for coding education besides school lessons. Twin Science confronts parents with a training that will solve these problems. This training will be broadcast live as a 1-week course. Tutorial will be supported with not only theoretical coding knowledge, but also project-oriented, “curiosity” experiments that will solve problems in daily life.

What Will Be the Benefits of Online Coding Education By Twin Science?
- With coding education, instead of what to think, children will learn how to think.
- They will be able to approach both coding and life more solution oriented.
- When they start learing programing languages such as Python, C, C ++, Java, It will be easier for them to understand these concepts. As the algorithm development infrastructures are robust while learning coding languages, they will be able to comprehend these languages in a much shorter time.
- They will be able to design the projects that everyone designs while finishing the university before going to high school.
- They will be able to use their potential at the maximum level and develop their critical thinking.