Art in STEM Education

Enhancing STEM with the Power of the Arts

what is stem education and why stem is important for kids

You may have heard of STEM education before, right? Well, if you haven’t heard, STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. Though not mentioned in the acronym, the Arts play an important role in a well-rounded STEM education.

Adding the ‘A’ to STEM

The addition of the Arts to STEM is about applying creative thinking and applied arts to our lives. Art can often times help students discover inventive ways of problem solving, applying principles or presenting information. The addition of the ‘A’ (The Arts) to the original STEM discipline is important in part because skills such as data modeling, developing visual explanations and engaging in critique and evaluation, are increasingly needed in the context of math and science education. Incorporating creative thinking and applied arts to various fields can have the positive impact of revealing ingenious ways of problem solving, integrating principles or presenting information.


Many education experts regard STEM as an essential component of 21st century education. Why? In a nutshell: The key component of this teaching method is integration and its interdisciplinary nature. Instead of teaching each discipline in independent subject silos, lessons are well rounded, project and inquiry based, with a focus on interdisciplinary learning. Additionally, STEM embraces the 4 key components identified as key in 21st century education: Creativity, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Communication. In this way, a STEM education more closely aligns with how we work and operate in the real world, making it a great launching pad for students to succeed after they’ve finished their schooling.

Twin’s award-winning STEM Kits teaches kids critical skills through play!

Robotic Art Kit / Stem art kit for kids
The Robotic Art Kit is an award winning LEGO®-compatible creative maker kit that combines technology with art.

Why is STEM Education Important?

Reports from various research institutions, international organizations such as the United Nations and World Bank, as well as numerous countries’ labor departments, project that automation will increasingly have an effect on the job market, requiring the workforce to be equipped with the right skills to adapt to new, emerging fields related to new technology. These reports also project an increase in STEM-related occupations. While the world economy and job market have continued to rapidly evolve over the past several decades, many education systems have not. For the most part, students continue to learn the same subject areas in the same classroom setting. Or, a one-size-fits all model.

The goal of STEM-based learning is to help students develop the skills they need to be successful in the future. Regardless of the specific role or industry, it is now critical that students go off to college and/or enter the workforce with a set of well-rounded skills that allow them to adapt to an evolving and fast-paced environment.

Start your child’s STEM education on the right foot with Twin App

Twin App is a fun educational app that takes your child on learning adventures. They can have fun and play while developing their 21st century and STEM skills along the way!

Twin App is an educational app that kids can play educational games on. Inside we have Trivia, DIY projects, and Adventures that have many learning games for kids. Both the Twin App and Twin Science Kits teach STEM (Science,Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) & Arts subjects and 21st century skills.

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