Activities in which children participate both in terms of their physical and mental development are of great importance. Arts, science, sports or nature activities improve children’s perspectives as well as their self-confidence.
Science and nature activities help children to better understand the environment they live in; develops analytical thinking, problem solving and coping skills. Science and nature activities are also important in developing children’s creativity.
The benefits of children participating in science and nature activities are as follows:
Children learn by experiment. In this way, scientific thinking techniques will be learned.
Improves observation skills. Children learn how to analyze and synthesize.
Gains knowledge of the tools and materials used in daily life and their qualities.
Activities related to nature and science not only help children develop correct thinking methods but also help them succeed in school lessons.
Science and nature activities, which strengthen children’s curiosity, enable children to develop questions. It also helps to increase the desire to learn.
Science and nature activities contribute to children in terms of language development and concept skills.
Children develop in terms of eye and hand coordination while experimenting.
Participation of children in the 0-8 age group in nature activities or science workshops enables the development of motor skills.
By participating in the activities, children coming together with children of their age group have the opportunity to develop their social skills.
Culture, art, science, nature or sports activities involving children contribute to their self-confidence by enabling them to discover their talents.
Children who learn to produce ideas on many subjects learn to approach the problems they face in a different way.
Children’s skills in science and nature, as well as observation, classification, comparison and inference, are also increased.