YGA Volunteer | Ferhat Babacan
YGA raises biplane youths that allow us to look to the future with hope. These young people both wings of conscience and equipment; develop while producing projects useful to humanity. With the imitations they develop, they produce radical solutions to social problems.

YGA has local and national startups in the fields of energy, tourism, education, science and arts.
Twin is one of those startups. Using technological modules similar to Lego, you can make unique experiments and technological toy.

As YGA and Twin, it is actually realizing 4 of the United Nations Development Goals.

While eliminating the inequality of opportunities in education with science sessions in Anatolia, domestic and national technologies, Twin Science and Coding set developed by engineers bring together future generations with science and technology in support of quality education.

With the Twin Science Festival held every year, we organize training and workshops in different disciplines for children who are the future of national development.

At the same time, we organize a science festival in which we raise awareness of children in the environment and smart cities and find solutions to the problems around them.

While doing all these activities, we act together with domestic and global brands, companies and organizations to make more impact. Only a few of these companies are Facebook, Yapi Kredi Bank, BASF and Turkcell.

You can see which main and sub-targets you support from the visuals, you can contact us. Twin and YGA are ready for more powerful and digital tomorrows. If you want to support us by donating.
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