Category Archives: Parent Advice

7 Games to Play with Family and Children

Spending quality time with your child means a lot for your child’s development and emotional well-being. As games hold a special place in a child’s life, playing together is a fun way to bond with them. You can try making time for the whole family to play games together to get closer to your child, […]

8 Science Skills to Teach Kids

From the moment they take their first breath, children are inquisitive explorers, absorbing the world around them like sponges. Everyday experiences, from feeling the sun’s warmth to watching raindrops fall, introduce them to the intriguing realm of science. These interactions lay the foundation for their future scientific journey, fostering skills that are essential for understanding […]

5 Stages of Child Development & Positive Parenting Tips

What is Child Development? Child development is a process by which children build their physical development, social and emotional functioning, and cognitive capacity. Starting from the very basics, such as being able to recognize faces or making sounds, children learn how to make sense of their emotions and to struct complex connections in the world. […]

Benefits of Physical Activity for Kids & Encouraging to Be Active

Running Kids

Have you ever thought the importance of physical activity in your child’s life may be greater than you think? Daily exercise improves children physically, mentally, and academically. Moreover, it helps the parents to strengthen the family bonds with their children. Why is physical activity important for children? Physical activity and a child’s physical health are […]

A Comprehensive Homeschooling Guide for Parents

Homeschooling Parents

Homeschooling is an alternative educational model adopted around the globe by many families from different backgrounds. In this model, children are educated in their homes by their parents or an instructor instead of being sent to a traditional public or private school. Homeschooling can begin in kindergarten and continue throughout the high-school period. If the […]

Problem Solving Skills & 8 Activities for Kids

Twin Kit, Lego Blocks and children

One of the key tasks of parents and educators is preparing children for life by supporting the development of problem-solving skills. From inconveniences of daily life to abstract academic puzzles and questions, good problem-solving skills are a must-have in different situations.  In this article, we will talk about what we mean by problem-solving skills, why […]

4 Different Learning Styles for Kids

Experiment and Kids

Human minds are amazingly unique and endowed with unique types of learning styles. Finding out the specific type of learning style of your kids can help you understand their needs and talents. This way, you can offer support throughout their education journey for a healthy development. The idea that there are different types of learners […]

30 Science Facts to Teach Kids

Children and their experiment

Teaching kids fun STEM facts and interesting science facts is a great way to get children excited about science. This offers them an opportunity to obtain brief and memorable information on how the world works and why things are the way they are – from planets to plants, to animals and the human body! In […]